Join in our family-friendly stations of the cross after 5pm mass on April 5th. Please RSVP to Molly Moulis ([email protected]) if your child(ren) would like to participate AND if your family will be staying for the pizza dinner afterwards.
Reserve your spot on a streetlight pole around CK School and Church! Banners are available for purchase until April 4th (or until sold out). Don’t miss this chance to show your CK pride while supporting important school improvements! Details are in the attached form.
Click here for a list of opportunities to join together as individuals, as families, as a parish, and as Community, in prayer and action as we prepare for the Easter Season.
Please join us for a mass celebrating those who work to raise strong women of faith and featuring a guest reflection from Joni Thompson of Our Lady of Tepeyac High School in Little Village. Wine & cheese reception following mass.
Companions in Faith will meet during Lent starting the week of March 2nd. Small groups will gather in person or over Zoom to reflect on the weekly Scripture readings. Click the title above for details and a registration form.
Christ the King is a Roman Catholic parish and school in Chicago’s far Southside neighborhood of Beverly. Practicing our faith, serving others, and supporting one another are hallmarks of our community.