Encounter Christ

The vitality of any parish lies in its commitment to prayer and the Sacraments, to the building up of community,
a passion for sharing the Good News, and in providing leadership and support to those in need.
Please consider joining and/or renewing your commitment to one or more of Christ the King’s many wonderful programs.
Please use the sign-up boards displayed in the church on October 1-2 or reach out to the primary contact for any group that interests you. We are asking those already involved in a ministry to recommit by doing the same (sign up or contact the facilitator). If you would like to begin a new ministry, feel free to reach out to our Pastor, Father Larry. All ideas to involve parishioners are welcome!
Adoration Chapel Richard Litak: [email protected] (773) 238-4877 Our Adoration Chapel is available for private prayer Monday-Friday from 6:30 AM to 7:15 AM and 9 AM to 9 PM, and Saturdays from 9 AM to 12 Noon. If you do not have a key, you may request one from the rectory. The chapel is unavailable if a wedding, funeral, or other special service is going on in the church. If you would like to reserve a regular private hour for prayer, please submit an adorer form to the rectory. In addition to visiting for individual prayer time, people are needed to lead a small group of friends in prayer on Mondays, Wednesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays. Rosary is currently prayed as a group at 6:30 PM on Tuesdays and after 8:30 AM Mass on Saturdays. |
Legion of Mary Paul Pierre-Louis: [email protected] (312) 203-9029 The Legion of Mary, founded by Frank Duff, is an association of Catholics who, with the sanction of the Church, and under the powerful leadership Mary Immaculate, Mediatrix of All Graces, have formed themselves into a legion for service to others, evangelization, and the social welfare of each individual We meet weekly for prayer, discussion and service work, in the music room (former library) next to the Gleeson Center. |
Prayer Warriors FACILITATOR NEEDED Use your favorite form of daily prayer to offer up for specific intentions of parishioners (requests received and sent out regularly). Perfect for homebound or busy people of all ages. |
PRAYERS FOR THE SICK Lois Weber: [email protected] A group of CK parishioners meets weekly to pray for the sick and the chronically ill, for those who are recovering from a serious illness and for families who have lost a loved one. If you would like to gather some friends and start a similar prayer group, contact Lois Weber for information. |
Saturday Rosary Group Kathy Tonner: [email protected] Stacey Hennigan: [email protected] Join parishioners in praying the rosary together in church after the 8:30 AM Mass on Saturdays.
TUESDAY EVENING ROSARY Kathy Tonner: [email protected] Stacey Hennigan: [email protected] Join parishioners in praying the rosary together in church after the 8:30 AM Mass on Saturdays.
Altar Servers Carissa Blough: [email protected] Students in grades 5-8 can serve. New altar server training takes place each Spring and Fall, but students are welcome to join at any time! Call the school office for more information. |
Art & Environment Commission Nancy Kratzer: [email protected] Design and implement liturgical themes in the church for the liturgical "seasons" of the year (e.g., Advent, Ordinary Time, Christmas, Lent, the Triduum, Easter, and Pentecost)
Candlelight Vigils and Prayer Services Deacon John Mutnansky: [email protected] Readers needed each month (October through June) for evenings of reflections involving exposition of the Blessed Sacrament, classical music, prayer, and quiet reflection. |
Children's Choir Breanna Feigenbaum: [email protected] The Children’s Choir is open to CK students in grades 3-8. Families are welcome to contact the facilitator.
Children's Liturgy of the Word Donna Murphy & Kelly Sullivan: [email protected]; [email protected] Volunteers assist with young parishioners during the 9 AM Sunday Mass as they hear the word of God proclaimed on their level while participating in engaging activities, music ministry, and learning the parts of the Mass. |
Choir Ed Zelnis: [email protected] (773) 267-6648 Our choir provides music for the 9 AM Sunday mass, as well as special masses, including Christmas, Holy Week, and Confirmation. Open to all interested singers.
Eucharistic Ministers Richard Litak: [email protected] (773) 238-4877 Assist the Mass celebrant with the distribution of Our Lord in the Holy Eucharist. There is a need for ministers at the 5 PM Saturday mass and 11 AM Sunday mass. |
Lectors Richard Litak: [email protected] (773) 238-4877 Individuals are always needed to proclaim the Good News and lead the congregation in Prayers of the Faithful during mass. |
Saturday after mass wine & cheese socials Jackie Dunn: [email protected] (773) 844-4919 Host monthly reception after 5 PM Saturday masses during the school year. Fellowship over wine/water and charcuterie. Volunteers appreciated! |
Saturday mass musicians (closed group) Lisa Pattara-McGrane, Michael Jones & Charles Hayes: [email protected] This is a group of three dedicated musicians who offer their musical talents at the 5 PM Saturday mass. |
Special Liturgies Anny Duszynski: [email protected] Volunteers are needed to assist in carrying out special liturgies such as Veteran's Day Mass, Divine Mercy services, etc.
Sunday 11 AM mass musicians (closed group) Janis Knox and Edward Zelnis: [email protected] (773) 267-6648 Our Director Of Music and our Principal Cantor (our professional musicians) provide weekly music for the 11:00 mass, as well as for most Holy Days, special masses, funeral, and wedding masses. |
Sunday after 9 mass social FACILITATOR NEEDED Coordinate hospitality and social gathering on a periodic basis after 9 AM Sunday mass. |
Ushers & Greeters Mike Heeney or Rectory Office: [email protected] Welcome and seat mass attendees, sanitize hands, usher communion lines, distribute church bulletins. We would welcome new members, especially couples, to serve |
Women in ministry Yvette Condron: [email protected] (773) 507-1176 Coordinate masses that recognize the leadership of women in the Catholic church and Christ the King by fostering their participation in all aspects of the mass. Assistance appreciated in planning, guest reflections, lectors, eucharistic ministers, severs, and ushers. |
Adult Faith Formation Team Joan O'Connor: [email protected] (773) 450-2441 Parishioners collaborate with the pastor to plan programs and events which facilitate the spiritual understanding, enrichment, and engagement of adults in parish life. Some offshoots include the parish book club, movie nights, Companions in Faith, candlelight prayer services, and a variety of discussions on topics important to our faith. New members and ideas are encouraged. |
Afternoon Theology Book Club Mark Quinn: [email protected] (773) 233-2614 Group meets one afternoon per month to discuss books that help in understanding the Catholic faith.
Blessed Conversations Joan O'Connor: [email protected] (773) 450-2441 Small group leaders guide women through a structure of prayer, asceticism, and sorority for 90 days (January-Easter). Individuals assist each other in their spiritual growth and sense of community. |
Book Club / Religious Study Group Christina Kovar: [email protected] (773) 875-1739 Read classic and modern books to educate, inform, and inspire us to better understand our faith and the world around us.
Companions in Faith Joan O'Connor: [email protected] (773) 450-2441 Small groups gather over four or five weeks in Spring and Fall to discuss scripture and pray together. Groups are led by a volunteer who is versed in scripture and church teaching.
Exodus 90 Ryan Moody: [email protected] A 90-day spiritual exercise for men based on Christ's roadmap to freedom. Men grow in the spiritual life and gain greater freedom by calling a fraternity of 5-7 men to join them in following a set structure of prayer, asceticism, and fraternity, during which time they are led by daily readings from the book of Exodus, paired with daily reflections. |
Parish Mission planning committee Fr. Larry Sullivan: [email protected] The planning committee helps to create the theme and direction of the Lenten Mission. The committee is also responsible for the implementation of the mission itself. |
Baptismal Preparation Fr. Larry Sullivan: [email protected] Baptism is the first Sacrament of Initiation into the Catholic Faith. With Baptism, Catholics begin their lifelong journey of growing closer to God who is all good and all-loving.
Marriage Preparation Fr. Larry Sullivan: [email protected] Couples choosing to be married in the context of the sacrament are not only inviting God to be a part of their wedding day but also of their marriage. The Sacrament of Holy Matrimony is an opportunity to encounter the presence of God in a very unique and special way, and for an opportunity for the couple to thank God for His loving, provident hand at work in their lives. An initial meeting with the Pastor jointly determines the best form of preparation for each couple tailored to meet their specific situation and needs. |
RCIA Program Joan O'Connor: [email protected] (773) 450-2441 The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults is open to anyone interested in being baptized or for any baptized individual wishing to enter into full communion with the Catholic Church by celebrating the sacraments of Confirmation and First Communion. Facilitators are asked to provide instruction and support to candidates in a specific area of faith development. |
Sacramental Communication Outreach Nancy Kratzer: [email protected] Connecting with families who have lost a loved one and celebrating the newly baptized with cards on behalf of the parishioners of Christ the King. |
Finance Council Erin Ross: [email protected], Molly Vandeveld: [email protected] The Christ the King Parish Finance Council is a consultative body whose primary function is to assist the pastor in managing the financial matters of the parish. The Council will provide advice regarding the acts of ordinary and extraordinary administration. |
Pastoral Council (discernment process) Fr. Larry Sullivan: [email protected], Tom Fahey: [email protected] Assisting the pastor in understanding the needs of the parish and its parishioners, the council serves as a sounding board and provides feedback on proposed activities, initiatives, and events. The Pastoral Council also collaborates with the pastor to set goals and ideals for the parish. |
AA (Alcoholics Anonymous) No Registration Required, Friday 8 pm, Sunday 7:30 pm Nonprofessional, self-supporting, apolitical, and there are no age or education requirements. Membership is open to anyone who wants to do something about his or her drinking problem. No need to register. Meetings are Fridays 8-9 PM, Sundays 7:30-9 PM in the Rectory Basement. |
Al-Anon No Registration Required, Thursday 7:30 pm Meets on Thursdays from 7:30-9 PM in the Rectory Basement to provide support to those who are worried about a friend or family member with a drinking problem.
Domestic Violence Awareness Committee Mary Murphy Smith & Linda Villalobos & Donna Dalton: [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected] To raise awareness of domestic violence, provide education, promote access to resources and services, and advocate for the prevention of domestic violence, information and resources are provided through articles in the bulletin, a resource directory available in the rectory, and community events. |
GriefShare Group Tom Bianciotto: [email protected] (773) 398 4682 GriefShare is a Christian-centered group support program for those experiencing the loss of a loved one by death. It is a 13-sssion program meeting weekly and focusing on a topic pertinent to the grief experience. It is designed to enable an individual to join at any week for an ongoing program.
Outreach Team Larry & Carol Daker: [email protected] (773) 405 6987 Facilitates intervention with families living with alcohol or substance abuse or dependency. |
Phoenix Group Facilitator Needed Addresses issues particular to separated, divorced, and remarried Catholics.
Respect Life Group Mary Murphy Smith; Kathy Tonner: [email protected] [email protected] A year-round, nationwide effort to help Catholics understand, value, and become engaged with building a culture that cherishes every human life
Southside catholic Peace & Justice Pam Caldwell & Chris Wilmes: [email protected]; [email protected] Works to fight injustice, poverty, and violence by raising awareness of and acting upon the Principles of Catholic Social Teaching. We always welcome new members. The committee was formed with St. Barnabas to help us better understand and appreciate the church’s teaching on social justice issues and explore what we can do to further those teachings. As Catholics, we are called to act, both individually and as a community, to prevent poverty and injustice as well as to minister to those who suffer their effects. Catholic teachings ask us to question the causes of an injustice and to act to change those causes. |
Alumni Association Paige Keeley: [email protected] The Alumni Association strives to keep the Alumni Community connected to the school, parish, and each other through special events, reunions, and communications. |
Annual Guest Speaker/Workshop Facilitator TBD The parish coordinates an annual guest speaker or film/discussion workshop for adult parishioners. Navigating the Teenage Years, Screenagers, Spark the Grit, Failing Forward have been previous topics from a variety of speakers. |
Beverly Garden & Culture Club Mary Healy; [email protected] This is an opportunity to gain experience more about gardening skills and horticulture in a community setting.
Boy Scouts Matt Anderson, Assistant Scoutmaster Troop #608: [email protected] (708) 912-5152 Troop #608 was established in 1917. Scouting programs are designed to provide boys with the skills they need to unlock their full potential and become future leaders in our community and beyond. We invite boys ages 11-17 to join Troop #608 and parent/adult volunteers to continue a quality program. |
Family & School Association Courtney Coleman: [email protected] Organizes activities for families and students to take part in throughout the school year. Some of the activities are educational such as supporting field trips, and some are a way for parents and families to connect outside of school. All of the activities are geared towards building a strong community. |
Religious Education Donna Murphy & Kelly Sullivan: [email protected]; [email protected] The program is designed to help provide a foundation for the faith development of all parish children who are attending non-Catholic schools. We will provide family experiences through monthly events and activities.
School Advisory Board (Elected) Casey Ciner: [email protected] Nine elected adult registered parishioners and/or school parents assist in the development of the policies that govern the school to support the Principal, Pastor, and the community. Meetings are open to parents and parishioners and are held on the second Tuesday of each month. No volunteers are needed at this time. |
School Athletics Bridget Segroves: [email protected] Christ the King encourages students to develop their faith, their minds, and their bodies. CK Athletics is concerned with the development of the WHOLE person—the religious, moral, social, and academic dimensions as well as physical development. CK offers many athletic options to students in Kindergarten through eighth grade. |
School Culture & Climate Caressa Whitten: [email protected] Plans and implements social and educational events and supports the school in preparing children for the opportunities and challenges of living in a diverse society. Dedicated to ensuring the school continues to uphold its standards as an inclusive and culturally responsive educational institution, our goal is to be proactive and intentional about celebrating diversity and inclusion. All are welcome to attend meetings held on the last Tuesday of each month at 7 PM in the CK library. |
School Foundation Margie O'Connell: [email protected] The CKSF’s mission is to ensure that the school thrives and maintains its reputation for excellence in education. We welcome donations to cks-foundation.org and volunteers to help with our annual fundraiser.
SPRED (special religious development) Program Cathy Bedell: [email protected] Small faith group that finds God and faith through the bonds of friendship with those with developmental disabilities. We welcome new volunteers. |
Technology for Seniors New! Jane Anne Gross: [email protected] Teens and young adults are asked to assist the more mature members of our population with negotiating the Internet, cell phones, and other technology. |
cards with Christ Carol Daker: [email protected] (773) 405 6087 This is an informal card group learning and playing canasta and spite and malice. They meet every Tuesday in the Gleeson Center from 2-4 pm and are open to new members. |
Christ Renews His Parish Revitalized! Mark Quinn: [email protected] (773) 233-2614 Parishioner-led experience is designed to foster a powerful sense of community as participants grow in discipleship and come away with a renewed spirit and strengthened faith. Participants include people of all ages--moms, dads, singles, seniors, young adults. All are welcome to rest, renew and recharge. Past participants are asked to assist in revitalizing this parish program. |
Cross Country Ski Club Collins Fitzpatrick: [email protected] It is very hot as I write this, but this part of the country is flat, snowy, and cold in winter. Cross country skiing with your CK and other friends is lots of fun in the Dan Ryan Woods. We can exercise and admire our wonderful woodland. |
High School Teen Ministry Karen Malone: [email protected] Monthly mass with high school teens to build community, foster faith, and enhance opportunities for service to others.
Little Eagles Program Sally Noonan and Kathleen Jensen: sregan16@gmailcom [email protected] Little Eagles invites caregivers with babies and toddlers to join us for playtime, stories, and songs. Each session is on Wednesdays from 9:30-10:30 AM in the school gym and is $30/semester or $5/week. Assistance is needed in setting up, coordinating, and communicating with participants. |
men's Basketball Over 40 (Thursday) Brian Livermore: (773) 497-4067 No registration is necessary. The CK gym is open for play on Thursday evenings, generally beginning at 9:00 PM. Details are published in the King’s Page. It’s a great way to get to know men in the community and get fit at the same time. |
men's Basketball UNDER 40 (Wednesday) Eze {jo; Ebpose” [email protected] (773) 456-8406 No registration is necessary. The CK gym is open for play on Wednesday evenings, generally beginning at 8:30 PM. Details are published in the King’s Page. It’s a great way to get to know men in the community and get fit at the same time. |
Men's Club Brian Turnock: [email protected] Opportunities are provided for the men of CK parish to participate in social, spiritual, service, and fundraising activities. The CK Men's Club will plan and host social events to raise funds and build camaraderie among the families of Christ the King parish. Assists the parish and community when called and able. |
Our Lady of Guadalupe Group Noemi Makenas: [email protected] A new group that embraces and shares the Hispanic heritage of Our Lady of Guadalupe, The Blessed Virgin Mary, within the parish by sharing common values and traditions, celebrating the annual mass in December.
Ted Lasso Group Mark Antonetti: [email protected] (312) 502-7412 This group meets on Wednesday evenings to discuss the moral and social message expressed in each production of this Apple TV program. |
Walking in Faith Leah Duszynski: [email protected] We are the Morning Walkers who meet Tuesdays at 9:00 A.M. on 93rd and Hoyne. We begin and end our walk with prayer. Meandering through the streets of our beautiful neighborhood provides us great opportunities to build community among our members. New walkers are always welcome! |
Wednesday Fun Bridge Club Mary Healy: [email protected] This is an opportunity to improve your bridge game while playing in a casual, non-competitive environment. |
Welcome Committee Nancy Kratzer: [email protected] Welcoming new parishioners with thoughtful gifts of wine, bread, and salt, and informing them about our school and our ministries. |
women who walk Lisa Maurizi: [email protected] 14 years ago, for a handful of mom friends agreed to practice some self-care as a group. At that they agreed to taking a walk; so, we did this on Monday thru Thursday at 9 PM. This time around, we have set the time for 8pm, before it gets too dark. We begin with the Memorare for all intentions before the walking starts, in hopes that walkers will either leave their worries at the corner of 93rd & Hoyne and enjoy the walk OR dedicate their walk to their intentions. |
Women’s Basketball Lauren Roberts: [email protected] No registration is necessary. The CK gym is open for play on Tuesday evenings, generally beginning at 9:00 PM. Details are published in the King’s Page. It’s a great way to get to know men in the community and get fit at the same time. |
Women's Club Facilitator Needed Opportunities are provided for the women of CK parish to participate in social, spiritual, service, and fundraising activities. Plans and hosts social events to raise funds and build camaraderie among the families of Christ the King parish. Assists the parish and community when called and able. |
Fiat Lux Dan Roth: [email protected] Organizes service opportunities every month. We usually go in groups of ten or more and always places where we can help those in need. It always feels good to help others, so we always have a fun time! |
Gardening Angels Pat Coffey: [email protected] The Gardening Angels meet on Tuesday mornings from 9 to 10 at the 91st Street Metra Station from Spring through Fall.
Homebound Ministries Joan O'Connor: [email protected] (773) 450-2441, Kathleen Fassl: [email protected] Volunteers visit the homebound and offer communion and socialization weekly. |
Loop Group Yarn Club Kat Nardo: [email protected] (773) 633-9309 This group meets on the first Tuesday of the month from October to May from 6:30 PM to 8:30 PM in the Gleeson Center. Knitting and Crochet experience is encouraged. Learn or improve skills; make items for family or to donate; relieve stress, make new friends. Center. |
PADS Tom O’Connor: [email protected]; (773) 771-5100 Southwest Chicago Homeless Services, previously called PADS, is a social service agency located across from Marquette Park. On Sunday, Monday, and Tuesday nights (6-8 PM) CK volunteers help clients with their clothing needs. We may also be bringing / serving a monthly hot meal to the clients, but that has not been established yet. Tentative volunteers for that service are welcome too |
Parish Garden Volunteers Suzy Eiben: [email protected] Beautification of the parish grounds includes planting, weeding, watering, and maintaining the flower beds surrounding the church property.
Senior Assistance Stacey Hennigan: [email protected] Parish teens and adults help local seniors and those with mobility challenges by mowing lawns, shoveling snow, running errands, etc. |
Senior Facility Visits Bill Weber: [email protected] Brings communion to Smith Village and visits 4 days a week. We offer communion to all residents, not just CK parishioners. |
St. Vincent de Paul Society Maureen O’Keefe: [email protected] As the primary arm of our parish’s ministry to those seeking food, clothing, and other types of emergency assistance, CK’s SVdP Society is comprised of some 20 parishioner volunteers who work behind the scenes to help those in need on a confidential basis. The services o CK’s SVdP Society include: maintaining a food pantry; conducting a fall Clothing Drive that provides for the SVdP thrift stores; holding an annual Food Drive in December, which provides to neighboring shelters, senior centers, and food pantries; serving monthly chicken dinners to residents at Su Casa Catholic Worker House; providing grocery cards and transit cards, paying utility and repair bills, helping obtain furniture for individuals and families in need; and donating to disaster relief efforts. |
A second reminder that you can commit/recommit on Ministry Weekend October 1-2, or by reaching out to the facilitator listed in any particular ministry. Additional ministries have been listed in CK Bulletins over the last three-weeks. Remember that our parish thrives when people gather together with a common purpose.
cards with Christ Carol Daker: [email protected] (773) 405 6087 This is an informal card group learning and playing canasta and spite and malice. They meet every Tuesday in the Gleeson Center from 2-4 pm and are open to new members. |
Christ Renews His Parish Revitalized! Mark Quinn: [email protected] (773) 233-2614 Parishioner-led experience is designed to foster a powerful sense of community as participants grow in discipleship and come away with a renewed spirit and strengthened faith. Participants include people of all ages--moms, dads, singles, seniors, young adults. All are welcome to rest, renew and recharge. Past participants are asked to assist in revitalizing this parish program. |
Cross Country Ski Club Collins Fitzpatrick: [email protected] It is very hot as I write this, but this part of the country is flat, snowy, and cold in winter. Cross country skiing with your CK and other friends is lots of fun in the Dan Ryan Woods. We can exercise and admire our wonderful woodland. |
High School Teen Ministry Karen Malone: [email protected] Monthly mass with high school teens to build community, foster faith, and enhance opportunities for service to others.
Little Eagles Program Sally Noonan and Kathleen Jensen: sregan16@gmailcom [email protected] Little Eagles invites caregivers with babies and toddlers to join us for playtime, stories, and songs. Each session is on Wednesdays from 9:30-10:30 AM in the school gym and is $30/semester or $5/week. Assistance is needed in setting up, coordinating, and communicating with participants. |
men's Basketball Over 40 (Thursday) Brian Livermore: (773) 497-4067 No registration is necessary. The CK gym is open for play on Thursday evenings, generally beginning at 9:00 PM. Details are published in the King’s Page. It’s a great way to get to know men in the community and get fit at the same time. |
men's Basketball UNDER 40 (Wednesday) Eze {jo; Ebpose” [email protected] (773) 456-8406 No registration is necessary. The CK gym is open for play on Wednesday evenings, generally beginning at 8:30 PM. Details are published in the King’s Page. It’s a great way to get to know men in the community and get fit at the same time. |
Men's Club Brian Turnock: [email protected] Opportunities are provided for the men of CK parish to participate in social, spiritual, service, and fundraising activities. The CK Men's Club will plan and host social events to raise funds and build camaraderie among the families of Christ the King parish. Assists the parish and community when called and able. |
Our Lady of Guadalupe Group Noemi Makenas: [email protected] A new group that embraces and shares the Hispanic heritage of Our Lady of Guadalupe, The Blessed Virgin Mary, within the parish by sharing common values and traditions, celebrating the annual mass in December.
Ted Lasso Group Mark Antonetti: [email protected] (312) 502-7412 This group meets on Wednesday evenings to discuss the moral and social message expressed in each production of this Apple TV program. |
Walking in Faith Leah Duszynski: [email protected] We are the Morning Walkers who meet Tuesdays at 9:00 A.M. on 93rd and Hoyne. We begin and end our walk with prayer. Meandering through the streets of our beautiful neighborhood provides us great opportunities to build community among our members. New walkers are always welcome! |
Wednesday Fun Bridge Club Mary Healy: [email protected] This is an opportunity to improve your bridge game while playing in a casual, non-competitive environment. |
Welcome Committee Nancy Kratzer: [email protected] Welcoming new parishioners with thoughtful gifts of wine, bread, and salt, and informing them about our school and our ministries. |
women who walk Lisa Maurizi: [email protected] 14 years ago, for a handful of mom friends agreed to practice some self-care as a group. At that they agreed to taking a walk; so, we did this on Monday thru Thursday at 9 PM. This time around, we have set the time for 8pm, before it gets too dark. We begin with the Memorare for all intentions before the walking starts, in hopes that walkers will either leave their worries at the corner of 93rd & Hoyne and enjoy the walk OR dedicate their walk to their intentions. |
Women’s Basketball Lauren Roberts: [email protected] No registration is necessary. The CK gym is open for play on Tuesday evenings, generally beginning at 9:00 PM. Details are published in the King’s Page. It’s a great way to get to know men in the community and get fit at the same time. |
Women's Club Facilitator Needed Opportunities are provided for the women of CK parish to participate in social, spiritual, service, and fundraising activities. Plans and hosts social events to raise funds and build camaraderie among the families of Christ the King parish. Assists the parish and community when called and able. |
Fiat Lux Dan Roth: [email protected] Organizes service opportunities every month. We usually go in groups of ten or more and always places where we can help those in need. It always feels good to help others, so we always have a fun time! |
Gardening Angels Pat Coffey: [email protected] The Gardening Angels meet on Tuesday mornings from 9 to 10 at the 91st Street Metra Station from Spring through Fall.
Homebound Ministries Joan O'Connor: [email protected] (773) 450-2441, Kathleen Fassl: [email protected] Volunteers visit the homebound and offer communion and socialization weekly. |
Loop Group Yarn Club Kat Nardo: [email protected] (773) 633-9309 This group meets on the first Tuesday of the month from October to May from 6:30 PM to 8:30 PM in the Gleeson Center. Knitting and Crochet experience is encouraged. Learn or improve skills; make items for family or to donate; relieve stress, make new friends. Center. |
PADS Tom O’Connor: [email protected]; (773) 771-5100 Southwest Chicago Homeless Services, previously called PADS, is a social service agency located across from Marquette Park. On Sunday, Monday, and Tuesday nights (6-8 PM) CK volunteers help clients with their clothing needs. We may also be bringing / serving a monthly hot meal to the clients, but that has not been established yet. Tentative volunteers for that service are welcome too |
Parish Garden Volunteers Suzy Eiben: [email protected] Beautification of the parish grounds includes planting, weeding, watering, and maintaining the flower beds surrounding the church property.
Senior Assistance Stacey Hennigan: [email protected] Parish teens and adults help local seniors and those with mobility challenges by mowing lawns, shoveling snow, running errands, etc. |
Senior Facility Visits Bill Weber: [email protected] Brings communion to Smith Village and visits 4 days a week. We offer communion to all residents, not just CK parishioners. |
St. Vincent de Paul Society Maureen O’Keefe: [email protected] As the primary arm of our parish’s ministry to those seeking food, clothing, and other types of emergency assistance, CK’s SVdP Society is comprised of some 20 parishioner volunteers who work behind the scenes to help those in need on a confidential basis. The services o CK’s SVdP Society include: maintaining a food pantry; conducting a fall Clothing Drive that provides for the SVdP thrift stores; holding an annual Food Drive in December, which provides to neighboring shelters, senior centers, and food pantries; serving monthly chicken dinners to residents at Su Casa Catholic Worker House; providing grocery cards and transit cards, paying utility and repair bills, helping obtain furniture for individuals and families in need; and donating to disaster relief efforts. |
A second reminder that you can commit/recommit on Ministry Weekend October 1-2, or by reaching out to the facilitator listed in any particular ministry. Additional ministries have been listed in CK Bulletins over the last three-weeks. Remember that our parish thrives when people gather together with a common purpose.