Holy Orders and Religious Life
“Now that I, your Lord and Teacher, have washed your feet, you also should wash one another’s feet”
— John 13:14
All baptized Catholics share in the Royal Priesthood of Jesus by virtue of their Baptism. However, some feel called to serve God through ordination to the diaconate, the priesthood or participation in religious life. The call to Holy Orders or Religious Life is a call to serve the church in a specific way, but a way that is equally special with any vocation that God may be calling you to. The following links will direct you to the various vocations offices of the Archdiocese. Fr. Larry welcomes the the opportunity to talk about vocations and to be sources of information, support, and prayers.
Vocations to Religious Life
Vocations to Religious Life include men and women who feel called to live in Religious life as sisters, brothers, or priests taking vows in Religious Communities. If you would like more information please visit consecratedlife.archchicago.org
Vocations to the Permanent Diaconate
If you are interested in learning more about the diaconate program, please contact Fr. Larry through the rectory. You are also invited to visit the archdiocesan website at deacons.archchicago.org. Please note that anyone interested in the diaconate needs support from the pastor of their parish.
Vocations to the Priesthood
Fr. Larry would be happy to meet with anyone interested in the priesthood, but also encourage you to visit the Vocations Office of the Archdiocese of Chicago at vocations.archchicago.org. Being a priest is an incredibly rewarding life and certainly deserves further exploration if you feel called by God.